Dear Emily –
First of all, girl, good job. You are right where you always wanted to be. You have a great job with a great company! Your finances are in order, you bought a house by yourself!! You have a lasting healthy relationship with a great guy! But you can’t let off the gas now!
You have a pretty clear vision of your life: you want to build a life with Brian that includes a healthy lifestyle, a job that you are passionate about and financial freedom.
So we have a plan, right? After going through the Becoming a Resonant Leader workbook, it seems like things are moving in the right direction (McKee et al., 2008).
Your first learning goal is healthy lifestyle! This goal has a few milestones that you will want to see progress on in the next year (McKee et al., 2008). These milestones are: loosing five pounds, going back down to a size eight and feeling confident at Sharaya’s wedding! The action items needed to accomplish those goals are: working out consistently, learning how to cook new recipes and working with a doctor to balance your hormones. Brian will definitely have to help you with these goals and when Sharaya lives with you for April and May, you two will have to partner up to help each other!
The second learning goal is to continue growing in your career! If you are going to be involved in leadership development for Southwest you will have to continue expanding your knowledge. The first milestones will be to complete your MBAA! In addition, reading 10 leadership books this year and practicing giving personal and professional coaching to the supervisors on your team. Action items that you will need to do to complete these milestones are to finish this class and your next class successfully, find recommended books to read and then create a coaching plan for the supervisors that need the most help! Your current leader and HR partners will need to help you complete the tasks at work in addition to Brian to help you keep focused at home.
The third learning goal you should focus on for this year is working toward financial freedom. The first milestone is to save to your ideal emergency fund number, save for your own wedding next year and to have a firm grasp on your secondary income! I know you are looking toward investing in a rental property so your first action item is to start focusing on learning the ins and outs of rental properties. In regard to your saving for the wedding and securing an emergency fund, you will have to meet your monthly budgeting goals and prepare for your upcoming salary negotiations! Brian, your parents and Brian’s parents might have to help you with these goals and there is so much to learn from Sal’s experience building his portfolio of homes!
Well good luck! You have so much work to do but I am excited for where all these dreams are taking you!
Remember, “a dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work” (Powel, n.d.).
Much love and even more luck!
-The Other Em
Powel, C. (n.d.). Inspirational Quotes. Retrieved March 07, 2021, from
McKee, A., Boyatzis, R. E., & Johnston, F. (2008). Becoming a resonant leader: Develop your emotional intelligence, renew your relationships, sustain your effectiveness. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School Pub.
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